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Neuron IT Solutions is a specialized Software & Consulting Services Provider, which helps clients plan, implement and maintain their technology investments cost effectively while improving the business performance.

Neuron IT Solutions is a specialized Software & Consulting Services Provider, which helps clients plan, implement and maintain their technology investments cost effectively while improving the business performance.

Neuron IT Solutions methodology and frameworks is designed to understand the business/technology requirements of clients and offer services & solutions designed to address the short and long term objectives of customers.

Neuron IT Solutions customers find Neuron IT Solutions to be nimble, responsive and committed not only for the success of a specific project or service, but to constantly deliver customer value. Neuron IT Solutions partnership and alliances with global leaders helps us to work on the latest technologies to provide business efficiencies for customers and partners.

Neuron IT Solutions has multiple years of experience and expertise in developing custom software solutions on multiple technology platforms. Our development methodology, design, development and testing processes are custom fitted to each every client’s needs to deliver them high quality products within budget and in time.

The following variables are varied according to client’s and project’s needs.

  • Development Methodology : Iterative, Agile, Waterfall
  • Project Artifices : Project Management Plan, Business Requirements Document, Functional Requirements Document, Software Architecture Document, Software Design Document, Test Plan Matrix, etc.
  • Project costs : Fixed cost, Time & Material
  • Delivery models : Onsite, onshore offsite, offshore, onshore/offshore

While there is not one model that fits all needs, our experts work with the client to come up with a project plan that fits client’s requirements, time and budget.
